I’m learning
- Boardgame.io
- It’s a frontend framework agnostic library for making board games.
- It uses a state machine to manage the game state, and manages syncing that
state between clients.
- Hoping to use this for an upcoming local game jam.
I accomplished
- Completed Section 1 Unit 4 of Japanese on Duolingo
- Put together a simple demo integrating boardgame.io with Svelte
- Helped a friend build their new gaming PC
- Met quota, and was a valuable asset for
the company
I’m playing
I’m watching
- Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End episodes 15-16
I’m looking forward to
- Royale5
- A new project from OR3O. It’s her first major project since
Assorted thoughts
- Sad to see both MatPat and Tom Scott are retiring / stepping back from their
Youtube channels. I’ve been enjoying both their content for nearly a decade. I
wish them the best. They’ve earned it.
- Setting up email notifications on my NAS was a mistake. The emails never end.